Young Filmmaker Challenge

We are inviting young people aged between 12 and 18 to enter a filmmaking competition, this time on the subject of ‘Survival’. There will be three prizes, in the form of vouchers, for £500, £300 and £100 to be spent on photographic/ filmmaking equipment.

Entrants can interpret the title in a broad sense but are asked to concentrate on wildlife in the UK. Our main aim is to encourage interest in the natural world both among the entrants and the audience the film reaches. 

The closing date is 31 March 2023.

Hen Harrier Day Logo

Hen Harrier Day

This year we focused on participating in Wild Justice’s Hen Harrier Fest on 24 July, including announcing the winners of the Young Wild Writers competition.

Walk for Harriers

Walk for Harriers

The very first Walk for Harriers took place on the traditional Hen Harrier day weekend and was a free organised walk onto a typical driven grouse moor. Talks were given by experts in their field about raptor persecution and upland reform and we also pointed out and discussed the various management techniques to maximise grouse for shooting seen along the way including muirburn and various crow and mammal traps. An enjoyable and informative day was had by all.

Young Wild Writer Competition

Young Wild Writer Competition

In 2022 we continued our popular writing competition. Details of the winning entries are here.

Nest cameras

Nest Cameras

We are hoping to bring you live streamed footage from a hen harrier nest in 2023, but in the meantime why not enjoy this live recorded footage from our barn own nest cam from 2022 …

Male Hen Harrier

Skydancer Day

Megan McCubbin and Indy Greene hosted our second online Skydancer Day on Saturday 14th May 2022.

The event is now on our YouTube channel to watch on demand, as are all the individual items.