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Images of the speakers and performers at Action for Wildlife Day
July 27th 2024
Read on for all the exciting details of what is happening and when at Carsington Water on Action for Wildlife Day, Saturday 10th of August. All the stalls and stands will be...
Logos for all the stalls and stands at Action for Wildlife Day
July 20th 2024
What do all these organisations have in common? They are all taking part in Action for Wildlife Day at Carsington Water, Derbyshire on Saturday 10th August. Here’s a taste of what some...
Author and naturalist Mark Cocker with camera and butterflies
July 19th 2024
Mark Cocker is an award-winning author, naturalist and writing tutor, with 13 acclaimed books to his name, including Birders: Tales of a Tribe, Birds Britannica, Our Place, Crow Country and his most recently published,...

Upcoming Events

Hen Harrier Day crowd at Carsington Water in 2019
August 10th 2024
Carsington Water, Derbyshire